The European DAO Workshop (DAWO) will take place on July 4th/5th in Winterthur, Switzerland and aims to explore the challenges and opportunities of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).

DAOs are a rapidly growing phenomena, and the importance of these new organizational structures is only going to increase over the next years with the further adoption of blockchain technology. Research on how to build more inclusive and democratic systems representing cooperative values needs more consideration and DAWO is a testbed for continues conversation.

The 2-day workshop brings together researchers examining the potential of DAOs, leveraging a culture of participation to fosters innovation and knowledge transfer between academics to advance DAO as a new organizational structure. We expect that the workshop yields a variety of novel research opportunities, which will set a basis for continuous collaboration among participants of the workshop.

Join us for the first European DAO Workshop in Winterthur 2024 (DAWO24) to initiate the discussion and collaboration.

Abstract Proposals

Author Notification

Full Paper Submission

Final Author Notification

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European DAO Workshop

Keynote Speakers

The keynote speakers include pioneers in blockchain technology, crypto governance experts, and academic leaders shaping the future of DAOs

Professor at Royal Melbourne Institute OF Technology

Ellie Rennie is a Professor at RMIT University, working on the Australian Research Council Future Fellowship project “Cooperation Through Code”. Her research involves examining coordination in permissionless systems using ethnographic methods, including ongoing case studies of validators, contribution tools, DAO governance, and verifiable credentials. She has written five books and produces two audio documentary podcast series. Ellie is also a Research Director within Metagov, an Expert Panel member of Australia’s First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group, and an Ambassador of the Global Business Blockchain Alliance.

Fabian Schär

Professor for DLT (Blockchain) and Fintech, University of BAsel

Fabian Schär is a Professor of Distributed Ledger Technology (Blockchain) and Fintech at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Basel. In addition, he is the Managing Director of the University’s Center for Innovative Finance. He has a PhD in Cryptoassets and Blockchain economics, co-authored the bestselling book “Bitcoin, Blockchain and Cryptoassets”, published by MIT Press and several publications in scientific journals. His research is at the intersection of economics and computer science, with a particular focus on public Blockchains, Blockchain-based financial infrastructure, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocols and financial privacy. 

Javier Arroyo Gallardo

Associate Professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Javier Arroyo Gallardo is an Associate Professor at the Department of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence at the Faculty of Informatics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). His research work has always been related to data analysis. He has been PI of the H2020 Fin-Tech project (2019-2021) about fintech and two national research projects on DAOs, one of which led to the development of the DAO-analyzer platform. He is interested in characterizing DAOs from a quantitative and qualitative point of view, and understanding how their governance works.

Contact the Organizing Committee